What Are The Benefits Of Link Building?

Editorial Staff

Link building is one of the most important aspect of S.E.O Search Engine Optimization.

In this article, you will learn about what is link building in S.E.O and what are the benefits of Link Building.

In short, Link building is a process of getting backlinks to your site/blog.

Majority of bloggers think that making a quality content will help them in getting backlinks, but that fact is it’s not true.

Without making approach to getting backlinks to your blog, it will a challenge for you to get higher rank on google.

Back in the past, link building was one of the most easy process, as you could use web directories, article directories etc to easily generate backlinks to your site.

But after 2014 when google launches Google penguin Algorithm, it changes every thing in link building and nowadays link building is a skill.

Benefits of link building :

Below I’m going to share the benefits of Link Building:

Link building is a process of getting links from quality sites, high authority sites etc, and link building is one of the major and most important aspect of perfect S.E.O. and its requires time and proper strategy.

In short, Link building is a process of getting inbound links for your site.

Below is a brief introduction about inbound links:

Inbound links (also known as Back Links) is a hyper link on another site, that points to a post or page on your site or blog.

Links building helps in visibility of your site in search engine results, helps you to drive more traffic for your site from other websites linked to you, link building is one of the most important aspect of S.E.O. and there are more uncountable benefits of Link building.

Below I’m going to share the strategies for getting back links to your site.

  • Do-Follow blog comments.
  • High quality content.
  • Guest posting.
  • Infographics.
  • Uploading videos on YouTube, Dailymotion etc.
  • Directory Submission.
  • Do-follow Social sites.
  • And there lots of more strategies that people follow to get backlinks.

Please do let me know what are the other benefits of link building you think by comments!

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