Karachi’s Most Haunted Places in 2024

Editorial Staff

Karachi, the financing capital of Pakistan has been in limelight for years for different Haunted Places and stories.

Here we are bringing you the most exciting ones which you might heard in the gathering of friends or relatives.

As we have started a series of Haunted Stories and Places, this is the 1st addition to take you on a roller coaster ride of the most haunted places in Karachi.

However, we’re trying our best to expose the scary sides of this world to you.

We’ve researched and got to know about these haunted places which are located in Karachi, Pakistan.

Karsaz Road

Whenever we talk about Haunted Places in Karachi, the first haunted place clicks our mind is Karsaz Road.

People claim that a bride haunts this place, and many people died just because of this bride.

This place is of 70s, it was haunted even from that time.

It has been reported that Government of that time arranged for some Muslim Scholars to resolve the matter.

Scholars came and resolved the matter, but after construction processed there this was all started again.

I got to know about it long ago but never thought that this could happen with my friend too. I’m right, one of my friends encountered a ghost there.

He said, it was late at night (around 1:00 AM) and he was riding the bike with one of his colleagues.

As he wasn’t aware of the bride at Karsaz Road, but his colleague knew about that.

He stated, “I saw a girl wearing white clothes but not a bride. I thought she might in need of a dire help but my colleague said to push the accelerator and recite Ayat-ul-Kursi.”

He got to know that something was not right there, did what his colleague said, and ran away from there.

GEO TV showed a video proof of the bride.

Also express news show “Woh Kia Hai” team captured a short-height girl who appeared and disappeared in a couple of seconds when they investigated Karsaz’s house of this bride.

Haunted House No. 39-K PECHS

“You will never be allowed to live in House no. 39-K PECHS” Besides this, I must say that you’ll not be able to LIVE THERE.

It’s sounding spooky, right?

This house has been empty for the past 16-17 years.

There are claims by the caretaker of the house that there is a woman who moves around the house every night and there is a wardrobe in the house, if you touch it, you’ll get an electric shock, and you’ll be disturbed for the whole night.

There are footprints of that girl in the rooms.

When the team of “Woh Kia Hai” was in this house, they claimed that we felt something with us every time, and EMF always gave the proof.

It’s believed that the woman (who is now a ghost) is buried there after her murder.

Shireen Cinema

Shireen Cinema is known as the most oldest cinema in Karachi, Pakistan.

It’s located in North Karachi and has been closed for years because of the continuous unusual activity held with the staff and people.

People who lived nearby said, “We always hear songs, someone sings songs at night in the hall.”

In the main hall (where there is the projector), people heard someone talking at the seats behind, but when they look back, there is no one.

This is not the end, staff claimed that they heard tip-tip (sound) of the water coming from the tap while there was no pipeline or water tap at Shireen Cinema.

Karachi University – Department Of Pharmacy

Yes, we’re right, Department of Pharmacy in Karachi University is haunted by a girl who comes exactly after 2:00 AM when the whole lights are switched off in the University.

It is believed there was a girl who used to sit under the tree along with the books inside the Department of Pharmacy at Karachi University.

One day, there was preparation for the event at Karachi University, and workers had to stay till midnight.

Three boys were going home around 3:00 AM after the preparation for the event ended.

They claimed that they saw a girl with long hair and she was standing with the books.

Two boys ran away from there & one boy got unconscious and stories like these can be heard on the daily basis, whenever you go to Karachi University.

Hill Park

It’s claimed that some very creepy djinn haunts the whole 62-acre Hill Park. People who live there said that we hear a lot of voices, screams, and the appearance of djinns usually.

Most of the houses of PECHS, especially after the Noorani Kabab House (a very famous Pakistani Restaurant) are haunted and we hear many stories daily.

Hill Park is just in the backside of PECHS block 2.

People of PECHS claimed that they have a fear of going outside of the home alone after the midnight.

Many people also claimed that they’ve encountered djinns there at midnight.

Chaukhandi Graveyard

This graveyard is located on the National Highway of Karachi, Pakistan.

Chowkandi Graveyard is known as the oldest graveyard in Karachi, it was established around 600 years ago.

Besides this, this graveyard is known as Karachi’s most haunted place.

People who live there say they never visit this graveyard after sunset because they always hear unusual voices, screams, and appearance of someone.

Apparition is one of the famous entities there.

Also known as the hub of people who perform black magic in middle of the night, people witnessed!

Mohatta Palace

Mohatta Palace (now an art museum) one of the famous ancient architecture, attracts thousands of tourists which is located in Clifton, Karachi.

It was built in 1927 for Rajasthan businessmen.

Along with the beauty, this place has some dark sides too.

This palace is haunted for a couple of years.

According to the caretakers of this palace, “Whenever they work, some helping hands (unseen) come to help them maintain the palace.”

It’s claimed that the things which are placed there such as flower pots, frames, chairs, the sofa, etc., are put in the proper place, wait…. not by themselves (workers) but by the unseen helping hands.

Besides this, workers claimed that they’ve heard some unusual voices like someone is having a party, but when they try to dig in, they see nothing.

They also claimed that they’ve seen vineglasses floating in the air. Spooky, Right?

Hawks Bay’s Haunted Hut

We’ve heard that the tenant of this hut used to rent it out, but when things started getting serious, he stopped to rent it out.

Whoever rented this hut till date can’t spend the whole night.

Now, this hut is known as the haunted hut of Karachi, located in Hawks Bay.

People claimed this hut is haunted by a girl who seems to be beautiful from back and attractive whoever sees it but as soon as you go to see her from front, she’s a nightmare you never wish to see as she changes herself into a witch.

People also claimed that they’ve heard the voice of bangles and so on.

From the Editor’s Desk

Well, these are the most haunted places in Karachi that take you to the scary side of the Pakistan’s biggest city, Karachi.

I loved it when I was writing it, trust me.

I hope you liked it as well, do give it a share as sharing is caring.

Don’t forget to comment below to let us know how you felt after reading this.

By the way, Good night with not much of a sweet dreams as you might be getting a nightmare tonight!