Top 8 Famous Borders of Saudi Arabia

Editorial Staff

Saudi Arabia, known for its vast deserts and rich cultural heritage, is the largest country in the Middle East. As a country with a strategic location, Saudi Arabia shares its border crossings with several neighbouring nations.

In this blog post, we will explore how many borders Saudi Arabia has and the names of these borders.

Saudi Borders

Here are top 8 borders of Saudi Arabia;


The Jordan-Saudi Arabia border crossing is an essential gateway connecting two countries steeped in rich history and cultural significance.

It shares three border crossings with KSA Haql, Al Hadith and Hallat Ammar among which

  • Haql if coming from Jeddah
  • Al Haditha if coming from Riyadh and Sharqiyah
  • Al-Taawal Border Crossing

It plays a pivotal role in facilitating trade, tourism, and diplomatic relations between Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Located in the northwest, the border between Saudi Arabia and Jordan stretches over 731 kilometers.

This border is marked by vast desert landscapes and serves as a gateway between the Arabian Peninsula and Levant region.

It offers visa services for visitors to visit popular destinations like Petra and the Dead Sea.

Other border known as Jaber/Nasib Border Crossing which connects Jordan with Syria has experienced periods of closure due to conflict.

It is mainly important trade route before the Syrian civil war.


To the north, Saudi Arabia shares a border with Iraq known as Al-Albaw Border.

Extending over 814 kilometres, this border plays a crucial role in connecting the Arabian Peninsula with the Fertile Crescent.

The border region is characterized by a diverse terrain, encompassing deserts, mountains, and plains.

Historically, the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iraq has been complex due to geopolitical tensions and regional conflicts.

However, recent efforts have been made to improve bilateral relations and enhance economic cooperation by having facilitates of trade and economic activities.

It is also gateway for religious pilgrims visiting holy sites in both countries.

Al-Qaim Border Crossing which links Iraq with Syria which is controlled by various armed groups during the Syrian civil war.

It is strategically significant due to its proximity to major cities like Baghdad and Damascus.

Since Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, the Saudi Arabia-Iraq border crossing was closed for trade but now Saudi open Arar border for trade after 3o years.

The border known as Zurbatiyah crossing which connects Iraq and Iran.


In the northeast, Saudi Arabia shares a border with Kuwait, which stretches over 221 kilometers.

It serves as an important trade route between the two countries, facilitating commerce and cultural exchange.

There are four border crossings from Kuwait to KSA

  • Al Nawasib
  • South border to Khafji, Saudi Arabia
  • Al-Salmi
  • Location western border to Saudi Arabia

The close proximity between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait has fostered strong economic ties, with both countries collaborating in various sectors such as oil, finance, and tourism.

The border crossing points facilitate the movement of people and goods, contributing to the growth of bilateral trade.

But it requires proper documentation for travelers to come and visit it vast scenes.

Abdali Border which connects Kuwait and Iraq.


To the south, Saudi Arabia shares a border with Oman, stretching over 676 kilometers.

Ramlat Khaliya crossing is characterized by rugged mountains and vast desert landscapes, reflecting the unique geographical features of the Arabian Peninsula.

It controls movement between the two countries and also offer Visa Services for visitors

The border crossing points between Saudi Arabia and Oman serve as important transit routes for trade and tourism, facilitating the movement of goods and people between the two countries.

You can travel to Oman from Saudi Arabia by private car or any transport of government or companies.

Al-Mazyunah Border crossing connects Oman and Yemen.


Situated in the southeast, Saudi Arabia shares a border with the U.A.E known as Al-Ghuwaifat Border, extending over 457 kilometers.

Batha border crossing plays a significant role in connecting Saudi Arabia with the dynamic economies of the Gulf region road that runs from Haditha to Batha.

The border between Saudi Arabia and the UAE spans hundreds of kilometers, and it plays a crucial role in facilitating trade and promoting economic collaboration between the two nations.

Moreover, the shared cultural heritage and historical ties between Saudi Arabia and the UAE have further strengthened the bond between them.

Requires proper documentation for travelers.


To the east, Saudi Arabia shares a border with Qatar which is known as Salwa border port Qatar, with a length of approximately 60 kilometers.

This border is notable for its proximity to the Arabian Gulf, shaping the dynamics of regional politics and trade and only have limited access for Qataris and residents.

Historically, the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Qatar has been complex, influenced by political, economic, and cultural factors.

Despite occasional tensions, both countries maintain diplomatic ties and engage in regional cooperation, particularly through the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

The border between Saudi Arabia and Qatar serves as a gateway for trade and travel, facilitating the exchange of goods and fostering cultural interactions.


In the southwest, Saudi Arabia shares Al-Khadra border with Yemen, extending over 1,458 kilometers.

This border is known for its diverse topography, ranging from mountains to coastal plains, and has witnessed significant geopolitical developments.

The border between Saudi Arabia and Yemen has been a focal point of security concerns due to ongoing conflicts and border disputes.

The greatest number of border crossings between Saudi Arabia and Yemen are nearly 1800 kilometers long, making it one of the longest land borders in the world.

  • Tuwal
  • Al Khadhra
  • Al Wadeeah
  • Al Kharkhir
  • Alb Al Hadood

In an effort to stabilize the region and support Yemen’s government, Saudi Arabia has been actively engaged in providing humanitarian aid and military assistance.

The border acts as a crucial entry point for delivering aid and ensuring the safety of both countries.


Although not a land border, Saudi Arabia shares maritime borders with Bahrain, which is located in the Arabian Gulf.  King Fahd Causeway which connects Bahrain with Saudi Arabia.

The border crossing provides a vital connection between the two countries, facilitating trade, tourism, and cultural exchange.

This proximity has fostered strong economic and cultural ties between the two countries.

Important transportation link for people and goods.

The relationship between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain is characterized by close economic cooperation, shared regional security interests, cultural connections and important transportation link for people and goods.

“Zahma Wala La” is an app that only tells you whether the crossing to and from Bahrain is crowded.

This border serves as a symbol of the strong ties between the two nations.

Historical Significance of Border Crossings

The country’s borders have witnessed the movement of goods, ideas, and people along various trade routes, such as the Incense Route and the Silk Road.

The historical significance of these border crossings can still be seen today in the cultural diversity and economic exchange found in modern Saudi Arabia.

The borders of Saudi Arabia have witnessed the journeys of Prophet Muhammad and his companions as they spread the message of Islam across the Arabian Peninsula and beyond.

These border crossings played a pivotal role in the establishment and expansion of the Islamic faith, making them of immense historical importance.

During the colonial era, the borders of Saudi Arabia underwent significant changes.

The agreements and treaties signed with neighbouring countries, such as Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, and Yemen, resulted in the demarcation of borders and the establishment of defined boundaries.

These border crossings mark the historical transition from tribal territories to nation-states, shaping the geopolitical landscape of the region.

Economic Impact of Border Crossings

Saudi Arabia’s border crossings have also played a pivotal role in facilitating international trade and economic growth.

The country’s major land borders, such as those with the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Qatar, serve as crucial gateways for the movement of goods and people.

These crossings are essential for maintaining regional economic integration and promoting cross-border investments.

Border Control and Security Measures

In recent decades, Saudi Arabia has implemented robust border control and security measures to safeguard its borders and protect its citizens.

The country’s borders are monitored through a combination of physical barriers, surveillance technology, and strict immigration protocols.

These measures are designed to prevent illicit activities, including drug trafficking, human smuggling, and terrorism, thereby ensuring the safety and stability of the nation.

Challenges and Controversies Surrounding Border Crossings

In the case of Saudi Arabia, a country with vast borders stretching over 8,000 kilometers, the challenges and controversies surrounding its border crossings are of utmost importance.

But Saudi Arabia is still facing issues in managing its border crossings and the controversies that have arisen as a result.

One of the primary concerns for any country regarding its border crossings is ensuring national security.

Saudi Arabia shares borders with several countries, some of which are facing humanitarian crises.

Saudi Arabia’s strategic location and its position as a major global oil exporter make its borders economically significant. However, controversies have emerged surrounding the kingdom’s trade policies, customs procedures, and tariffs.

The kingdom’s strict socio-cultural norms, particularly regarding gender segregation and dress code, have sparked controversies when it comes to border crossings.

As Saudi Arabia continues to address these issues, it must navigate the delicate balance between safeguarding its borders and embracing a more open and inclusive approach.

By doing so, the kingdom can strive to create a safer, more prosperous, and harmonious environment for both its citizens and those who seek to cross its borders.


Do I need visa from Saudi to Qatar?

Gulf countries like Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, U.A.E, Bahrain and KSA do not require visa you can visit by road easily.